Welcome to CAMRA Discourse

A CAMRA membership is required. If it is your first time here, please create an account or click log in if you have been here before.
You will be redirected to CAMRA’s authentication system to log on.

Discourse relies on email to function correctly. You must have an email address registered with your CAMRA account to use Discourse. Click here to go to the membership system, then click “Edit your membership information” to add your email address.

Password Updates

On 10th October 2016, CAMRA reset all member passwords that hadn’t been updated since it made an announcement in September’s What’s Brewing and emailed members. This is because CAMRA member passwords were previously set using a formula and had, in the past, been stored in plain text. That was fine in the old days, but isn’t acceptable practice today. The only way to ensure the privacy of CAMRA Members’ data was ensure that all CAMRA member logins had been changed and that new passwords meet its updated password modern requirements.

What do you need to do?

If you are having problems logging in, you need to reset your password by visiting https://password.camra.org.uk/. You will need to know the email address on your CAMRA Membership record and your membership number.

If you have any problem at all please contact membership@camra.org.uk with subject line ‘Password Reset’ and the staff at CAMRA headquarters will be happy to help you.

Please use your CAMRA membership number and password to continue.