Rochdale, Oldham & Bury

Branch Pub of the Year 2024

Our pub of the year is chosen by branch members in an annual vote, usually conducted online to enable as many branch members as possible to participate. The competition is restricted to the ROB pubs which are in the current Good Beer Guide. Members can vote for 3 borough pubs of the year - Rochdale, Oldham and Bury - plus an overall Branch pub of the year which goes on to the Regional competition and hopefully beyond. The results are usually announced at the March branch meeting with award presentations as soon as possible after.

The Branch

The Branch covers the Metropolitan areas of Rochdale, Oldham and Bury, and is one of 8 within the CAMRA Greater Manchester Region covering the Greater Manchester area. As a Branch we tend to use Rochdale as the administrative centre of the Branch, as it is reasonably easy to get to by public transport from most of the areas across the Branch. This is why all of our Branch meetings are currently held in the Flying Horse Hotel, Rochdale.

For getting around the Branch go to Transport for Greater Manchester.

Follow this link for more details About the Branch

Members Area

Are you a ROB CAMRA member?

You can sign in to the Members Area using your CAMRA membership number (less any 0's at the front) and the same password used for the CAMRA national website. This site is case sensitive!

This page is for ROB Camra members only and will provide various links for the ROB CAMRA Branch use.

Get your pub on the Map!

Download the WhatPub Survey Form which you can fill in and send to The Branch Pubs Officer. Alternatively log on to What Pub? to submit updates and corrections.


The Branch Membership Secretary welcomes new members to the branch when they join CAMRA, but we only write to branch members who have not supplied a current e mail address. Our preferred method of communication is by e mail. Written mailouts happen infrequently, due to the costs and time involved.

If you have an e mail address and would like to be updated on a regular basis, please contact the Branch Membership Secretary

Branch members that supply an email address receive a monthly newsletter "Camra Calling" with up to the minute news from the branch, as well as reminders about meetings and socials.

You can also read "Camra Calling" by signing in to the Members Area using your CAMRA membership number (less any 0's at the front) and your postcode as the password, no spaces. This site is case sensitive!

If you used to receive e mails and have stopped receiving them, is it because you have changed your e mail address and not told us? Again, please contact Branch Membership Secretary.

Social Media

Rochdale, Oldham and Bury Camra Facebook