Rochdale, Oldham & Bury


Below are the Lists of ROB Camra LocAle Pubs and Breweries

LocAle Breweries April 2024

ROB LocAle Pubs List

What is CAMRA LocAle?

CAMRA LocAle is an initiative that promotes pubs stocking locally brewed real ale. The scheme builds on a growing consumer demand for quality local produce and an increased awareness of 'green' issues, reducing the number of 'beer miles' and supporting local breweries.

The CAMRA LocAle scheme was created in 2007 by CAMRA's Nottingham Branch which wanted to help support the tradition of brewing within Nottingham, following the demise of the last remaining local brewer Hardy and Hansons.

Everyone benefits from local pubs stocking locally-brewed real ale...

  • Public houses as stocking local real ales can increase pub visits
  • Consumers who enjoy greater beer choice and diversity
  • Local brewers who gain from increased sales
  • The local economy because more money is spent and retained locally
  • The environment due to fewer 'beer miles' resulting in less road congestion and pollution
  • Tourism due to an increased sense of local identity and pride - let's celebrate what makes our locality different.

Rochdale, Oldham and Bury Branch CAMRA LocAle SCHEME

Like most CAMRA Branches throughout the UK, we have adopted our own version of the LocAle policy.

  • To qualify for the scheme the pub/club must regularly offer real ale from a brewery on the Branch LocAle list. It does not always have to be from the same brewery, but at least one must be from the ROB Locale Breweries 2019.
  • Most importantly the beer must be consistently served in quality condition.
  • Our LocAle boundary has been revised to include any brewery within a 15 mile radius of the branch centre and including all of the Greater Manchester County boundary area. This will effectively make the scheme we operate more “local” and yet still give the licensee a choice of over 99 breweries to select from currently.
  • In the case of Brew Pubs, it was agreed the Branch Committee reserve the right to allow beer brewed on the premises to qualify for LocAle status.
  • Successful licensees will be given a poster and pump clip crowners denoting their LocAle award and towards the end of 12 months successfully operating the scheme, a window sticker will be issued.


  • Clubs will only qualify if they offer free entry to card carrying CAMRA members without them having to pay an annual subscription/charge.
  • Tied pubs/clubs are not eligible unless the licensee is free to regularly order LocAles of their own choice.

So, what's in it for me (the publican)?

Stocking a local beer can enable you to differentiate yourself from other local pubs, thereby gaining you new customers and increasing your beer sales. Stocking locally brewed real ale will also give you business the edge over supermarkets and off licences selling low-cost mass-market lagers.

What's involved - can anyone join?

If you wish to benefit from participation in the CAMRA LocAle scheme you must agree to endeavour to ensure that at least one locally-brewed real ale is on sale at all times. Only real ale can be promoted as a CAMRA LocAle.

If you are a licensee who regularly has a Local Real Ale on sale (refer to list of breweries) and would like to join the scheme as you meet the requirements of the Locale Definition, please contact Phil Brown our LocAle branch officer. A visit can then be made to discuss the scheme benefits etc.

ROB LocAle pubs and clubs

Currently there are 58 pubs and clubs in the ROB Branch area that are involved in the 2019 LocAle scheme. Each sells at least one locally produced real ale on a regular basis. As new pubs join the scheme the list will be enlarged as we go along. This link will take you to the current ROB LocAle Pubs List

Some of your questions answered...

Q What is CAMRA's definition of local?

A Each CAMRA branch participating in the scheme is able to decide on what they think is an appropriate definition of local for their area. For example, Nottingham CAMRA adopted a definition of 20 miles and York CAMRA has opted for a 25 miles definition. Simply contact your local CAMRA branch to find out what definition of local has been agreed on for your area.

Q What if beer from a brewery is delivered 50 miles away to a distribution centre before being delivered back to my pub only 10 miles away from the brewery?

A Because the brewery is local to your pub then the beer still qualifies as a local beer. Encouraging pubs to serve local real ales is the first step to reducing beer miles.

Q What about licensees who are prevented from stocking a local beer by their lease or tenancy agreement?

A Our advice would be for you to speak to your Business Relationship Manager to see whether a special arrangement can be made to enable you to sell one local real ale. The Society of independent Brewers' Direct Delivery Scheme allows some lessees of Punch Taverns, Enterprise Inns and Admiral Taverns the option of stocking a real ale delivered direct from a local brewer.

Joining the CAMRA LocAle initiative is Free and accreditation is easy, simply contact the Branch LocAle representative

You can get LocAle information and Downloads for Licensees from the National website LocAle page.
