Rochdale, Oldham & Bury

Branch Meetings

Branch meetings (see ) are open to all members and are very friendly. They are normally held on the evening of the first Tuesday in every month. We hold them in the same location, The Flying Horse, as the venue seems to be fairly easy for most members of the Branch to get to. The meetings are held in the upstairs function/dining room at 7.30pm and are well attended (get there about 10 minutes early to secure your chair!). Everybody is made welcome and we discuss various beery (& cidery) things including any latest news about pubs in the Branch area and any beer festivals either in the Branch or in the vicinity. A free supper is normally provided when the meeting is finished, at about 9.30pm. There are normally 10 real ales and 2 real ciders on offer on the bar. A friendly meeting followed by a free supper and a few pints whilst enjoying the craic. Can't be bad!

If you are a ROB Camra member and have supplied a current e mail address, you will normally receive the Branch newsletter "Camra Calling" by email a few days before the meeting, which will contain the latest news and agenda for discussion, as well as the previous meetings minutes.

You can also read "Camra Calling" and meeting minutes by signing in to the Members Area using your CAMRA membership number (less any 0's at the front) and your postcode as the password, no spaces. This site is case sensitive!

Please come along, new attendees are always welcome.

Please see the for details of the next meeting.

For getting around the Branch go to Transport for Greater Manchester.