Rochdale, Oldham & Bury

Campaigning locally

There are many ways of campaigning both locally and during any National Campaigns for real ale - which is basically why we all joined CAMRA anyway! Apart from protesting (as this Branch did when the Oldham Brewery was closed down), walking into a pub and asking for a pint of real ale - if they haven't got any ask why not and suggest some locally brewed beers by Local Breweries. There are many things that can be done without even stepping out of your house. If your local pub is under threat of closure you can campaign to Promoting & Protecting Pubs. Even before it gets that far you can call for a Fair deal for your local

Assets of Community Value

Assets of Community Value

The following information is taken from the National Camra Website

Information for CAMRA Branches

CAMRA is working with branches across the country to protect valued local pubs by listing them as Assets of Community Value.

Want to list your pub as an Asset of Community Value?

•There are two ways to nominate your pub as an ACV. Either download our Online Nomination Form (see link above to National Camra website) and fill out the details with information on your local pub.

•Fill out the local council form yourselves and CAMRA's Support Team will provide you with the land registry documents needed to submit the application. Simply email ku.gro.armac@vca

Why is listing an ACV so important for the Branch?

•Have more of a say over what happens to pubs in your local community. You will be consulted if any pub you have nominated is threatened

•Nominating your pub removes the permitted development rights which ensures the pub is protected in planning law should it come under threat

•Connect with other local groups, members of the community, MPs and Councillors to campaign to protect your local pub

•Engage positively with licensees

Lobby your MP

Any member can write to their MP about various issues (plans to convert a pub for instance). Your MP may well be a member of All Party Parliamentary Beer Group (APPBG) or AllParliamentartyGroup Save the Pub. This group can be quite influential and can help us ensure that such things as planning laws are changed so that no pub can be demolished or suffer a change of use, without going through due planning processes.

If you don't know who your MP is check Find your MP and you can write to them at the House of Commons. Here is a suggested guide on how to Lobby your MP. In addition, MPs have the Parliamentary right to propose Early day motions (EDMs) that can be very persuavive and gain cross party support. Once an EDM is lodged, if it is sympathetic with CAMRA's cause, you may be asked to contact your MP to get them to support any particular EDM

The APPBG have just announced a new award scheme through which MPs who are members of the Group can make awards to outstanding pubs in their areas. This is a fantastic scheme and it's just getting off the ground, so CAMRA is asking every branch and member to help make this a success by contacting their local MPs and inviting them to take part and make an award. The award can be for serving great beer, giving great service to the community or just being a good all-round pub - the criteria are left up to individual MPs but I'm sure you can make some useful suggestions to them.

If your MP is interested in making an award they should contact Robert Humphreys, secretary to the Beer Group at moc.tcennoctb@puorgreebylrap, who will send them professionally printed certificates to present to the winning pubs. If your MP responds saying that they're not a member of the Beer Group, they only need to contact Robert who can sign them up as a member then they can take part.

Lobby your Councillor

You can write or speak to your local councillor about various issues and below are examples that could have been asked of any candidate to recent local elections. They are still "in date":

1. Have you heard of CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, and what is your understanding of what CAMRA does?

2. Are you aware of what, if any, policies to protect pubs and other valued community amenities your local council has in place?

3. Do you support the extension of pub protection policies in your area?

4. What do you consider to be the biggest challenge facing community pubs in your area?

5. Do you support the extension of planning protection for pubs threatened with demolition or change of use into betting shops or supermarket chain stores?

6. Do you support greater use of the provisions of the Sustainable Communities Act to empower local people? How would you encourage wider awareness and use of this Act?

7. Do you agree that well-run community pubs are part of the solution to alcohol misuse rather than the problem, and this should be reflected in local licensing policies? With that in mind, would you support measures to ensure that well-run community pubs in the area are exempt from the proposed new late night levy on licensed premises?

8. If you are elected, will you consider holding meetings and surgeries in a local pub?

9. Do you support the provision of locally-produced food and drink, including locally-brewed real ale at local council functions?

Don't know who your councillor is?

Who is your Councillor for Rochdale?;

Who is your Councillor for Oldham?

Who is your Councillor for Bury?